
Self-Care Reflections for Caregivers

July 4, 2017

Self-Care Reflections for Caregivers is a great resource to aid and encourage people who are caring for their loved ones or service organizations that provide care services to people in home health care settings, nursing homes, adult day cares, senior living, or assisted living facilities.

The authors’ offer personal reflections of their caregiving experiences and practical tips for achieving a sense of rest, renewal, recreation, release, and re-connection to self, God, and community.

Caregiver Hope is the companion event to the book. These events are held nationally in settings like churches, libraries, healthcare organizations, and adult caregiving centers to promote renewal, rest, relaxation, restoration, recreation, and reflection for caregivers as they care for others. For more info, or to schedule an event visit the Dr. Hawkins’ website at


ME TIME Self Care Coloring Book and Journal: Release, Renew, Refocus, and Reconnect (Volume 1)

November 26, 2016

Now you can color on-the-go anytime of the day. This travel size self-care coloring book fits into your handbag, computer case, portfolio or weekly organizer. It is the companion to the full size version and conveniently stores in your carry-on luggage while travelling by plane, train or automobile. On each coloring page is a word of the day to prepare you for a time of reflection. Following each artistic image is a reflection page to record your experience and how you are feeling as you relax and de-stress.

As you record your thoughts, hopes, and dreams, you will begin to release tension and strain; and tap into inner peace, tranquility, renewal, and well-being. Coloring is a great activity to do in community. So whether you coloring alone, with a friend or with a group have fun and be intentional. Block out time for yourself, get your favorite coloring pencils or crayons, settle into a comfortable space, open the book to begin the journey of coloring to release, renew, refocus and reconnect.
